
Hasil penelusuran

Minggu, 22 Desember 2019

Name  :           Melvin Irfan Andhika
NPM   :           19144700012

The Difficulty Of Writing To First Semester Students That Linked To English Language Lessons In High School

"Writing" is the process of using symbols (letters of the alphabet, punctuation and spaces) to communicate thoughts and ideas in a readable form. Generally, we write using a pen/pencil (handwriting) or a keyboard (typing). With a pen/pencil we usually write on a surface such as paper or whiteboard. A keyboard is normally attached to a typewriter, computer or mobile device. Voice recognition programs allow those who can't see or use their hands to have their thoughts transcribed. Writings is the one of an important skills when we studying an English Language. Writings also one of many ways to express something. Maybe the hardest one to be managed,because in the writing skills we should know how to write something rightly. The letters by letters,the words by words,until we make our writing good and can be read by people. For beginners like me and another first semester student especially majored in English,writing is becomes a frightening specter. Because in my opinion,writing is difficult to learn if it is not accustomed to and done all the time. Futhermore English is my foreign language. It is mean,i do not usually use this language in my daily activities with my family or my friend. So it can be my difficulties in learning English Language,especially on writing skills.
I think this is my first time writing the journal like this,so i am sorry if this journal have a many mistakes. Maybe if you read it,you can see it that i have a worst vocabularies and grammatical in my writing skills. Because i never done something like this before. But i will trying my best to finish this journal.
When I was in highschool,I never been taught to write something like this. My teacher was thaught me and another students to answer the question rightly and get high score in the test.

Writing is a process of sharing information, message, ideas, or thoughts in grammatically correct sentences. Writing as one of four language skills is considered a difficult skill and it is also a difficult subject in the school. It is because students have to produce a text by using English correctly according to the grammatically correctness. The students have to write what they think in their mind and state it on a paper by using correct procedure, in narrative text for instance. Writing also needs series practices to develop this skill. It cannot be achieved in one time learning only.
There is five language skills in English. These skills are listening,reading,speaking,and writing. And in my opinion the most hardest skills to be managed is writing. Why it can be the hardest one? Because we never learned it deeply. And another problem is the Language problem itsfelf. Good writing relies on language abilities. Some of  the problem is maybe poor vocabulary,awkward phrasing and unconventional grammar,inappropriate use of colloquial language,difficulty with sentence and word order,trouble reading back what is written, and difficulty with word sounds,spelling and meanings. The most of Highschool English Language teacher,including my teacher when I was in Highschool never taught me how to write something like journal like this. I was a student in SMK N 1 Bantul and my teachers only taught me about how to answer a question in the test. My Highschool teacher name is Mrs. Agatha Christiyanti Manullang. Actually she is a good teacher and have a very good skills in English Language. But she was only taught us the basic of writing. She more often give us assignment and preparing us for the final examination/test. I think this is the reason why my writing skills is worst. And I do not have any experience on writing something like this. Of course I can not blame that all on my Highschool teacher. I should have learned write by myself in that time,but I do not do that because I was focused on the majors that I took at that time. I was majored in computer programming,so I just focused on coding and developing computer program. And back at that time,I think the English Language is not too important to learn. Because I just want to know the meaning of the word and the translation of it. I am not too interested in writing. Because every Highschool students mindset are how to pass the National Exam or the Final Exam with a good score. And the abilities like writing is not too important for them. Becasuse they do not need it at that time especially Vocational Highschool students like me.

Writing is still become a frightening specter for the first semester students like me because we do not really taught to do that in the Highschool. And we not focused in that writing too because I think that is not our priority in that time.
And this journal is became my first try and result on my writing. So if my writing has many mistakes,I apologize for that. I hope with this journal,you all can understand about the difficulties on writing. Because it is not just write something randomly. It has so many aspect on it. There is grammar,form,vocabulary,mechanic,and style. And there are also five elements of good writing,there are purpose,audience,clarity,unity,and coherence.  And guess what,we do not receive that when we was in the Highschool. So maybe in the future we can change a little bit our education system,especially on English Language subject. We need to more prioritizing the English Language subject,because now the English Language is becoming more important because English Language is the International Language and became the main Language to communicate with people out there.
So the teacher maybe will start to taught their students how to write properly. Because writing can be very useful if we manage that skills. We should practice it everytime it possible because we can not learn it in short time.
And if teachers  do not taugh us in the School,we can still learn it from many ways. For example from the internet. It is just how we put effort on this. So,stop rely everything on the School,because we can not receive every single thing from the School. We should do on ourself sometimes and get the things that not given by the school. I do not blame the school or teachers for this,but if we can change it or make it better,we should do that for the better future.
And maybe that’s it all for this journal. Thanks for reading it. I am sorry if there is many mistakes. It is my first time writing something like this. I will more often practicing my writing skills for another assignment in the future.
I hope you all understand my point that I write above and Have a great day!



Jumat, 20 Desember 2019

Selarong Cave
          This cave is located at Guwosari Village, Kecamatan Pajangan, Bantul,Jogjakarta. The cave is the witness of Prince Diponegoro struggle and his men, as it was used as the base camp for guerilla fight against Dutch. In this cave area, Prince Diponegoro set strategy and tactics, and discussion with his men to assault Dutch. During camp in Selarogn Cave, Prince Diponegoro had assault Dutch 3 times, on July 25th, October 3rf, and October 4th 1825. That war between Prince Diponegoro and Dutch is known as Java War, from 1825-1830.
          Pangeran Diponegoro (1785 – 1855) is the son of Sultan Hamengkubowono III (1769-1814). He didn’t have intention to be a Sultan, and chose to live as common people, at Tegal Rejo village. As he was surrounded by Dutch on July 20th 1825 at Tegal Rejo village, the prince and his followers then flee to Selarong Cave.
          There are two other smaller caves on the complex, Putri Cave and Kakung Cave. Putri means woman, this cave was the cave for Pangeran Diponegoro’s wife Raden Ayu Ratnaningsih. Kakung means man, Kakung Cave was the resting place for the prince. Both caves’ height and depth round 1,5 meters. Putri Cave is longer tha Kakung Cave, 3 meters. Kakung Cave only 2 meters long. From in front of the cave, visitors can enjoy a nice landscape from tower shelter to see waterfall.
          Beside temple, visitors can visit Sendang manic Maya, a spring. To reach the spring, one should pass a small bridge over dry river and pass a passage for 100 meters. The spring is believed to be eternal spring and the water source for Prince Diponegoro and his followers for bathe and ablution. Not far from this spring, located another spring called Sendang Umbul Maya, believed to be used by the prince and his followers to cook and washing up.
          Selarong Cave is also famous as religious site. Pilgrims visit here for meditation ritual. Other than that, the cave also has been a cultural tourist spot as annually, on July, there is a festive called Drebeg Gua Selarong to commemorate the moving in of Prince Diponegoro to Gua Selarong that was taken as the anniversary of Bantul Regency.

Jumat, 13 Desember 2019

Nadiem Makarim Speech Responses

          When Natioanl Teacher's Day is celebrated every November 25th, most of schools will hold a ceremony to commemorate  the day. On the day of the Teacher's Day on November 25th,the Minister of Education or we know as Mr.Nadiem Makarim made and read a speech which would later be read back at every school that held a ceremony to commemorate National Teacher's Day. Nadiem Makarim is serves as Minister of Education for the 2019 to 2024 period. And when he read the speech on National Teacher's Day,his speech became viral on social and printed media,because the contents of his speech were meaningful. There is many people appreciate the contents of his speech,but there is also many people who do not agree with the contents of his speech for several reasons.
          I think,the contents of his speech were actually made and read in an honest,real,and indeed happening in our education system. Nadiem Makarim does not even insert an inspirational and rhetorical words as they are usually contained in similar speech text. He seemed to really want and itend to fix a little our current education system which according to him and including me is not quite right and too rigid or presuring for the teachers and students. Teacher's in Indonesia do look too busy with their administrative task without clear purposes. Diversity and individual needs of students who want to be fullfilled by the teachers is like hindered by uniformity which is the basic principle of bureaucracy.
          For me personally,i strongly agree with what Nadiem Makarim was said in the speech. The students potential really cannot be measured from the result of the test. Numbers and test scores cannot be the main reference for determining someones level of ability. Because in the real world,the ability to work,collaborate,and inovate will determine someones succes. Whereas our current education system seems focused just on memorizing and counting. And i think that is such a old fashioned system,and with that system we cannot compete in the global competition and in the our current era.
          The change in the education system and the way the teachers educates what Nadiem Makarim wants is quite good. I think this first step is very good for the advancement of education system in Indonesia. Some of the points that conveyed in the speech to change the teaching method and learning system in the classroom will be very infuentally good in the future if its really applied. Because education does not have to be all about reading,memorizing,and counting. Teachers must provide opportunities and trust for students to innovate and create something by themself according to their interest and talents.

Sabtu, 07 Desember 2019

The Legend Of Sura And Baya
          A long time ago,there were two legend animals,their name is Sura and Baya. Sura was the name of a shark. The big and strong shark. And Baya was a crocodile. The great and huge crocodile.  Both of them were the greatest and legendary animals in that time. They lived in the sea together. They were close friend and conquering the sea together.
          One day,Sura and Baya was looking for food in the beach,because there was not enough food for both of them in the sea anymore. Suddenly,Baya saw a group of cow,the big and fresh cow in the seashore. "Look at that juicy meat,they are my lunch".Baya said. "No way! They are mine,you greedy!". Sura said. After debating each other for a couple hours. They fought for a group of cow that they saw earlier. They fought for several hours,until the were got very tired.
          They were both at the same level of fighting skills and power. So they stopped hitting each other,because there is impossible to win or lose the fight. After feeling tired of fighting,they made an agreement. The agreement was they should lived in the different places. So in the agreement said Sura should be lived in the sea. And Baya lived in the river. The border of them was the beach or the shore. So they would never fight again.
          One day,Sura swim far from his home and went to the river. Sura was very hungry and hope will found some food over there. It is because there was not much food in the sea anymore. Baya know that Sura was swim over the border. Baya was very angry knowing that Sura was break the agreement. Baya went out from his home and looking for Sura. After the long debate between them,they finally fought again.
          They both hit and bite each other. Sura bite Baya's tail. And Baya did the same thing to Sura. But Baya bite more hard until finally Sura gave up because he can not continuing the fight with an empty stomach condition. And after gave up,sura went back to sea,back to his home. And after that fought,it was make Baya more strict guarding at the border. But, there is a possibility they will fight again in the future.